russian queen peens

1/09/2009 | |

A few months ago I was looking at operetic Vocaloid videos which led me to find Vitas, and boredom led me to Shura. Follow the "Read More" link for vids by them followed by some Vocaloid snacks.

I would actually listen to his records.

And something a bit different:



Vocaloid is a Japanese program that samples real vocalists and then lets you compose music and synthesize the vocals however you like. Of course it has developed into a weird Anime/Cosplay culture with defined characters and shit...but yeah I want this program. And I can't help but seeing this having a place in a future genre of pop/hip-hop.

And the absurd beauty of "Mr. Lonely" sung by "Leon":

Oh SNAP, Irene just enlightened me with the following amaxatinz:

Vocaloid Freaky Sheep MP3. Sounds rad.

And also a Windows-only Vocaloid demo.

0 innit:
